2014 International Reps
Kevin Evans - Jimmy and Greg
Nigel Watkins - Molly
Dai Howells and Jaimie
Stan Harden and Bob
Jeff Evans and Spot
Welsh Brace Champions:
Kevin Evan and Greg and Kim |
2014 World Trial Reps
Kevin Evans - Jimmy and Greg
Nigel Watkins - Jody and Molly
Dai Howells and May
LLyr Evans and Sam
Irwel Evans and Gwnnws Lad
Ross Games and Roy
Jeff Hudd and Tysswg Nell
Ian Jones
Richard Millichap and Dewi Tweed |
2014 Reserve World Champion
Kevin Evans and Greg
2014 World Trial Finalists
Kevin Evans and Jimmy
Nigel Watkins and Molly
2014 Reserve Supreme Champion
Kevin Evans and Greg |
2013 International Reps
Kevin Evans - Jimmy and Greg
Nigel Watkins - Jody and Molly
Richard Millichap and Dewi Tweed
Irwel Evans and Jess
Dai Howells and Jaimie
Gerald Lewis and Flash
Meirion Jones and Chamray Jess
Reserve:Angie Driscoll and Meg
Welsh Brace Champions:
Brian McConnell SKY & JAN |
2013 Welsh National Champion
Kevin Evans & Jimmy
2013 Reserve Welsh Champion
Nigel Watkins & Molly
2012 International Reps
Angie Driscoll and Meg
Gerald Lewis and Flash
Harcourt Lloyd and Kilcreen Jess
Kevin Evans and Greg
I B Jones and Tanhill Joe
Jeff Hudd and Tysswg Nell
Lyn Howells and Max
Robert Ellis and Mirk
John Bowen and Belle
Richard Millichap and Dewi Tweed
Reserve: Eirian Morgan and Spot
Young Handler: Ben Owen and Cael
International Brace Champion
Ian Jones & Tom
& Jesss
International Driving Champion
Jeff Hudd and Tysswg Nell
2012 Reserve Welsh Champion
Angie Driscoll and Meg
2012 Reserve Supreme Champion
Robert Ellis and Mirk
2011 International Reps
Eirian Morgan and Spot
Kevin Evans and Greg
Richard Millichap and Dewi Tweed
Stan Harden and Meg
Aurwen Price and Lyn
Gerald Lewis and Flash
Meirion Jones and Joe, Chamray Jess
Nigel Watkins and Floss
Paul Tomkins and Fynydd Mac
Jed Watson and Jake |
2011 World Trial Reps
Kevin Evans and Mirk
Nigel Watkins and Jody, Floss
Robert Ellis and Mirk
Jeff Evans and Shinehill Jill
Richard Millichap and Dewi Tweed
Jane Drinkwater and Trefynor Tarn
Meirion Jones and Joe
Graham Powell and Gwen
Mervyn Price and Mac
W.P. Lloyd Jones & Fynydd Davey
Jed Watson and Mirk
Angie Driscoll and Meg |
2011 Supreme Champion
Eirian Morgan and Spot
2011 Welsh Nursery Champion
Richard Millichap and Don
2011 Reserve Supreme Champion & Welsh National Champion with Greg
2011 Reserve Welsh National Champion Aurwen Price with Lyn
2010 International Reps
Nigel Watkins and Floss, Jody
Mervyn Price and Mac
Graham Powell and Gwen
Robert Ellis and Mirk
Richard Millichap and Dewi Tweed
Kevin Evans and Spot
Jane Drinkwater and Trefynor Tarn
Jed Watson and Mirk
2010 Reserve Supreme Champion
Graham Powell with Gwen
2010 Welsh National Champion
Nigel Watkins with Floss
2010 Reserve Welsh
National Champion
Mervyn Price with Mac
2010 Welsh National Brace Champion Colin Gordon with Mirk
and Jess
2010 Welsh Nursey Champion Kevin Evans with Bob
2009 International Reps
Harcourt Lloyd and Kilcreen Jess
Jed Watson and Mirk
Richard Millichap and Taddymoor Jen, Dewi Tweed
Kevin Evans and Mirk
Robert Ellis and Mirk
Emyr Lloyd and Wenndale Nap
2009 Welsh National Brace Champion
Ian Jones
with Tom
& Jess
2009 Supreme Champion
Richard Millichap with Dewi Tweed
2008 International Reps
Nigel Watkins and Floss
Eirian Morgan and Fred
Kevin Evans and Mirk
IB Jones and Penllwyn Meg
Richard Millichap and Taddymoor Jen
Ian Jones and Sooty
Jeff Evans and Shinehill Jill
WGL Davies and Moss
2008 World Trial Reps
Graham Powell and Gwen
Eirian Morgan and Spot
Bryan Pugh and Jess
Kevin Evans and Spot, Mirk
Richard Millichap and Taddymoor Cap, Taddymoor Jen
Nigel Watkins and Lad, Floss
Meirion Jones and Joe
Mervyn Price and Mac
Paul Tomkins and L'Minster Arnold
2008 Supreme Champion
Kevin Evans with Mirk
2007 International Reps
Kevin Evans and Mirk
Graham Powell and Gwen
Paul Tomkins and Fynydd Bonnie
Meirion Jones and Joe
Richard Millichap & Taddymoor Cap
IB Jones and Gael
Eirian Morgan and Fred
2009 Reserve Supreme Champion
Richard Millichap with
Taddymoor Cap
2006 International Reps
Paul Tomkins and Fynydd Bonnie
Kevin Evans and Jaff
Eirian Morgan and Fred
Ian Jones and Sooty
Gerald Lewis and Spot
2006 Welsh National Champion
Paul Tomkins
with Fynydd Bonnie